Thursday 26 January 2012

25. Selling the loot.

100 hours 52 Minutes, 16306 gold, Level 24, 2069 Ingredients Harvested, 17 Bunnies

I have been getting through Labyrinthian the very best but ended up getting killed once by a petty soul gem, what a way to go! I am using magic much more than previously and I am finding it works well even on the more powerful Draugr Deathlords. Since I now have a really good stock of magic and Health potions it’s a better option. I am carrying both Destruction robes and Restoration robes and I change them according to whatever I need at the time. I have fire in one hand and healing in the other so I just cast both while the Draugr are in front of me, it’s also great in the long run for upping both those skills.

I would have used bows and arrows much more previously but that’s not a good option at the moment since m archery skill is not very high the arrows are not travelling too far but this will obviously improve with a lot more practice out on the tundra hitting deers. I am just about to make my second journey outside to dump of an inventory full of gear, it really doesn’t bother me at all doing this when you get used to it you see it as just another part of the game and it will do me good long term to have as much gold as I possibly can so I now literally see it as an investment!

Finished The Staff Of Magnus quest it was pretty easy considering for some reason Morokei didn’t even bother attacking me, I was a bit disappointed but flamed him up none the less! I looked at my gold as I was leaving and it was at 17414 then I went back to Whiterun which is less than 5 minutes sprint/walking and sold the first load of gear. I went and got Lydia and headed back to get the next lot once again came back and sold it all and made one more trip alone as there was not that much left. I took all the gold from everyone I could sell to in Whiterun including the travelling caravan outside, then I went to Riverwood to sell more and finally onto Falkreath to get rid of the last of it. I kept a good eye on exactly what I was selling, normally at times like this I would be buying stuff like lock picks and ore and whatever else I needed as well as selling but I wanted to see how much I would gain this time. I began with 17414 and ended up with 24521 and I reckon that’s a pretty good return and worth the extra time spent, this does not include items I kept such as ingredients, ore, ingots, the odd magical item and other bits and pieces.

Walking from place to place is not that big of a deal when you get used to it there are always encounters and gathering to be done and all these things will add to your long term strength within the game. Since more or less everything you do will up your skills there really isn’t anything you do in this game that will not benefit you eventually.

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