Saturday 21 January 2012

16. I hate horses!

I head on towards Windhelm going down off the trail from Winterhold to the left towards Snow Veil Sanctum and as always there are a couple of Ice Wraiths, they’re not that hard to beat at this point but they still hit hard so I cast Flame Atronach and hit them with double flames. On round a bit nearer the city I find three of the Companions are out fighting with a Mammoth, which is getting the better of them, all three are doubled over so I cast healing hands on two but when I try to help the third, a certain Miss Stonearm, she immediately begins putting me to the sword saying “You never should have came here!” or words of a similar ilk! I run pretty quick and switch spells to healing because she has gotten me down to about a third of my health with two swings. I cross the wide river and don’t notice a Cave Bear when I emerge from the water, again Flame Atronach is cast and I run on because I have not yet gotten over my battles with the not very aptly named “companions”!

At Windhelm stables I decide to buy another horse, 1000 a time, but it seems a good deal as if they don’t get killed they end up defaulting back to where they came from I then cross the bridge and head up the path in the direction of Whiterun. I get right up the trail but once again go the wrong way, I’ll get the hang of this not using the map yet! I end up going towards a fort which I can’t remember the name of and it’s then I realise I need to go back and off to the left. I have not gotten far when I see a dead Mammoth so I stop and dismount to take its tusk but I fail to see a Giant which spooks my horse who then high tails it back towards Windhelm! HORSES! I HATE HORSES!

So it’ll be a walk, sprint, walk, sprint before I get to Whiterun and on the way passed the Bandit camp I cleared much earlier I notice that the horse which kept returning to its default there didn’t this time, poor thing ;) It’s not easy this role playing lark!

1 comment:

  1. This has inspired me to start my own fast-travel run of Skyrim tomorrow :) I enjoy this blog and will be reading and commenting from now on!
