Monday 16 January 2012

10. Winding up Giants!

38 hrs 07 mins, 7835 gold, Level 14

I got back from Solitude having done the Pelagius quest and getting a raise in my carrying capacity from The Steed Stone and I headed for Whiterun to drop all my stuff off and sell. I bought two magical items to raise the quality of my alchemy which will not only help me with my potion drought it will also raise much needed funds. I decided to stay around Whiterun for a while and I headed out to get some experience and sellable goods.

Fort Greymoor is just North a bit from The Western Watchtower and there is a Giant camp not far from the fort to the East. I ran into the Giants camp and got them chasing me then lead them into the fort. They can get in through the main entrance but are unable to get through smaller doors, they can also get up onto the Battlements. There are 5 or 6 bandits guarding the outside of the fort and I just ran about dodging arrows and let the bandits and Giants fight it out. The giants wipe out the bandits then I cast flame atronach and stay inside the tower with the smaller opening that the giants can’t get through and fire arrows. This proves to be a great way to get a tonne of loot nearly 2000 golds worth for 10-15 mins, not bad!

Went back to Riverwood after and there was a Dragon attacking. This is only actually the second Dragon I have been in combat with and only the forth I have seen so far. Seems it is true that fast travel has a massive impact on the number of dragons that randomly turn up. Dragon done but I have lost my horse in the battle it got breathed on and has done a runner and I really need another so that’ll be another thousand gold!

1 comment:

  1. yeah its true. i recently started playing a skyrim game without fast travel and did a google search to read about other peoples experiences and i found this blog. but yeah I've encountered dragons much much less without fast travel
