Monday 27 February 2012

67. The Throat of the World.

250 Hours 28 Minutes, 191036 Gold, Level 50, 10 Horses Owned, 28 Bunnies!

Sky Haven temple was just a formality, there wasn’t even anyone or thing in there and the massive fight outside it a Karthspire was all there was to do fighting wise. Anyway I heard from Esbern what needs to be done next and I have to once again visit the greybeards at High Hrothgar.

Since I am relatively close to Markarth I decide to go up there and get myself a horse so I will be able to come back here and take all the loot I have stored in the body of a Bandit back to Whiterun. I don’t wait around or even go into the city I just get the horse and leave.

On the way back I just hoof it and don’t stop but when I get down onto the tundra I have the urge to wind up a giant who I spot having a wander. I get up to him and begin leading him towards Fort Greymoor which takes a while because he keeps stopping when I get too far ahead of him so I continually have to go back to rile him some more. Eventually I get him inside and leave him to do his work he dispatches all the Bandits and then I take him up onto the battlements and trap him outside the tower then use Fire to finish him off.

Back in Whiterun I do all the usual bartering and storing before packing my soul snare bow and plenty of soul gems and heading off for High Hrothgar. I head down along the river as there are always plenty of Mudcrabs there. When gathering souls it’s best to be careful and find out which animals and creatures occupy which gems otherwise you end up filling bigger gems with smaller souls.

On the way to High Hrothgar I end up stopping at a fort (can’t remember name of it!) which has a lot of mages in it and damn they’re tough! I get there in the end but only after using a lot of potions. If you’re fighting more than one mage it’s always useful to use reanimate on some of them because they come back with their magic skills. I end up with a lot of gear and nowhere to get rid of it because there’s only an inn up there and the inn keepers only keep around 100 gold. I buy a silver sapphire ring from him and sell what I can before heading up the steps to the monastery…

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