Friday 17 February 2012

62. Side Tracked.

236 Hours 01 Minutes, 134585 Gold, Level 49, 54 Quests Completed, 27 Bunnies.

I just had the busiest half hour of Skyrim, it was pretty crazy. I was walking to Solitude along the road that heads West past The Western Watchtower and Fort Greymoor and I hadn’t got that far when I was attacked by a Sabre Cat followed quickly by a thief and then a Dark Brotherhood Assassin comes along, then on up a bit two Giants are walking the path Ebony arrows and they’re done, giants have sometimes got good loot!

While walking on I see a Dragon in the Distance and I decide to have a go but when I get up to it I find that it is flying off leaving a skeletal Dragon named Vuljotnaak which is just turning real so I prepare my arrows and it’s pretty easy really. I realise about now that there’s no point in continuing for Solitude just yet because if I keep going like this I will be full in no time. I take a road to the South when I get up the trail a bit more where I am able to get lots of Juniper and Mountain Flowers and up ahead of me I spot a Spriggan fighting with a Sabre cat so I cast Atronach and wade in with my Sword.

It’s not long before I am completely full but as I am walking back down the road to head for Whiterun I see three Forsworn up a head so I start sneaking to see what they’re up to. They walk to the side of the road, t a nook in the mountain and attack three Orc Hunters killing them easily. I then get stuck in and kill the forsworn and I am just thinking about coming back when by coincidence along come the travelling Khajiit merchants so I get to sell everything and loot the other six bodies, good timing.

I then make my way quickly to Whiterun knowing that when I head for Solitude this time I will have to take my horse else I will end up getting side tracked again.

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