Thursday 9 February 2012

54. Thieves reunited.

209 Hours 43 Minutes, 79822 Gold, Level 45, 94 Days Passed, 26 Bunnies!

On the way to Winterhold I stop at Snow Veil Sanctum to collect everything I left outside there in an earlier quest, a lot of loot! I ride down and go to Birnas first of all to sell then onto The College to sell some more and buy soul gems then I go to the Inn to meet with Karliah and The Elf. The quest line continues with me having to meet Karliah at The Ragged Flagon but I have some wandering to do and a few more things to sell.

I rie my horse down to Windhelm but on the way encounter some Bandits in the barren area near Snow Veil Sanctum they have already killed a couple of people and some Sabre Cats whose bodies I will be coming back to loot. There is a troll who I am busy luring into the path of the Bandits so they can finish each other but a Bandit bowman is firing at me and I get too close once too often and lose another horse! I finish him off but he’s tough, a marauder. I loot the bodies and head to Windhelm. Before I arrive I once again encounter an Ice Mage and a Fire Mage in battle so I watch the fight until only the Ice Mage remains then I take him but he’s really tough and casts strong spells but with Flame and Atronach I get him.

Brief stop at Windhelm to buy and sell then I am off again in the direction of Riften. I spend a lot of time gathering ingredients and have some fun with a Giant. I lure him along the path towards Riften and since I have been here many times there are bodies I have killed earlier, bears mostly so I reanimate them but he kills them easily. I keep hitting him with Fireball and he gets really wound up and actually gets faster in his pursuit. We encounter a mage further on and a group of travelling Khajiit (who I seem to keep running into) he kills the Mage from whom I get a good Staff and ends up getting killed by the Khajiit.

The thieves guild quest continues with Karliah returning and after I check out Mercers place (and lift everything) I buy and sell and get ready for the next leg of the quest…

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