Friday 17 February 2012

61. The Magic Horse!

234 Hours 11 Minutes, 121093 Gold, Level 48, 40 Skill Books Read, 27 Bunnies!

Once back in Whiterun I take some time to up my skills. Smithing is now at 100 and I get Alchemy up to 100 as well pretty easy with those damage magicka poisons I mentioned earlier and I am now selling those for sometimes between 1200 and 1400 depending on the vendor.

There’s another Giant wandering the trail on the way to Riverwood, not sure why they keep appearing there but at this point they’re easy to kill. Lucan in Riverwood now has over 10000 in gold so I am making a killing on alchemy alone after I realise this I go back down to Whiterun to make a load more potions to take advantage of this extra gold. On the way just on the same path down there’s another Giant fighting with a Dragon I get more horse to Safety and watch the fight then when the Dragon flies off I cast Atronach and Fire some arrows at the Giant. The Dragon must have been a ghost because I watch it fly straight through a mountain!

Stock up and back to Riverwood to sell, on the way up (busy trail this!) I get attacked by a Khajiit who’s wearing heavy armour. I lead him all the way into Riverwood but for some reason the guards don’t bother attacking him so I have to finish him myself. A strange thing happened earlier when I arrived here, I dismounted my horse just beside Alvors forge and when I came back out of the Riverwood Trader another horse which I had lost earlier in the game and reappeared along side the one I brought with me. On my return it was still there and since the Khajiit was after me I put the horse I was on out of danger and was laying fire runes. The horse was standing just near where you would go into the forge and a rune exploded right beside it which made it end up right in the forge area. Now horses are not supposed to be in there! Stupidly I mount up and of course cannot get out and it takes me ages to find a spot in there where I can dismount and when I do the craziest thing happens. It’s like I am looking out normally but there I am running down the street! I can still control my character but I am watching him from afar, I can still look right and left but the movement is reserved for the other me running about outside the forge, strange! I am tempted to Fast Travel to get over it but out of principle I load up another save and wind up back in Whiterun!

I go back to Riverwood again and the horse is still in the forge trying to walk his way out then suddenly he reappears where he was to begin with, Magic eh? I sell up and head briefly back to Whiterun before beginning walking up to Solitude to do the Thalmor Embassy!

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