Sunday 5 February 2012

47. Wasted Journeys.

I am a bit miffed at having been killed so close to Riften after such a long journey but that’s what happens when you commit to playing with the Auto save set to 60 minutes. I start off again by horse and I am not too far up the road from The Honningbrew brewery when I spot an old woman, I dismount and speak to her and she says she would be “honoured to be Wabbajacked by me!” I have Wabbajack back in Breezehome so I decide to go get it but by the time I get back she’s gone and there’s a thief in her place, who I kill pretty easily.

Off I go again stopping occasionally to pick concentrated bunches of plants, although since I have recently been by this way there are not so many. Way on by Fort Amol I come across a crazy Mage who immediately begins attacking me I gallop on and over the next bridge find Stromcloak Soldiers fighting with a spider so I go back and lure the Mage in their direction, he kills one Stormcloak but the last one gets him, one had been earlier killed by the Spider, Loot!

On once more and I head across to Dark Water Crossing and decide to leave my horse there, well it’s not technically my horse it’s stolen! I go by the edge of the hot water springs and find a giant there so I provoke him and start laying Fire Runes as he chases me and when I get a good distance from him I fire ebony arrows. On up I get chased again by a crazed Argonian and as I am fighting him a helpful Sabre cat comes along and finishes him off for me and then I return the favour by finishing it off! Further on and I spy two mages in the distance having a fire versus ice war so I run through the two of them and cast an Atronach then come back after a little while to see who’s left. The Flamer is still standing so I switch to Ice spells and finish him off. Not a bad little jaunt that time nearly filled up on loot and now I will happily continue the Thieves Guild quests…

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