Wednesday 8 February 2012

53. Horse versus Dragon!

I get to Markarth and go see Calcelmo if you go into the excavation site for him and kill a giant spider he allows you access to his museum and that’s where I need to go. The spider is pretty easy and there’s the beginnings of another quest there but it’s quite extensive so I’ll leave it till later.

I go into the museum and out the back to his Lab, he has guards all over the place and you cannot sneak successfully past them all so I just killed them and I keep going outside when I am full up and dump the stuff outside the city tonnes of it, steel armour, good prices! I go all the way out the back and get a rubbing of the Falmer text which is on a large plinth.

I buy a horse when I am done and lift all the gear before beginning my journey back which to be honest is not too eventful until I get very close to Whiterun. Just before the Western Watchtower I see a nightmarish shadow across the ground, A Dragon, an Elder and here’s me full of gear! The guards are fighting it and when I dismount my brave horse goes and has a pop and surprisingly doesn’t get killed. The Dragon lands right beside me at one point and I have to use the Whirlwind shout to get away. The guards get it in the end.

I stop at Whiterun to sell and off load and I know that I will make another journey to Markarth very soon for nothing other than ingredients, the roads up that direction are teeming with stuff. For now I must go back to Winterhold to speak to that Elf boyo, can’t mind his name, then I will keep going with the thieves guild quests…

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