Thursday 2 February 2012

37.1! Ustengrav.

158 Hours 54 Minutes, Level 34, 30389 Gold, 483 Skill Increases, 186549 Total Gold Found, 23 Bunnies!

Ustengrav is massive. Before I go in I realise I have forgotten to sell a lot of my stuff due to being distracted by the Dragon attack at Morthal and I am still two thirds full. I put stuff in a dead bandit and use reanimate on her then begin walking towards Morthal to get her as close as I can to town, although it won’t matter as long as my horse is still here when I come out. She turns into an ash pile out in the swamp and I keep in mind where exactly it is before heading back.

Ustengrav is full of Draugr of different strengths but it’s relatively easy. I have a little trick when I come to large open cavernous areas. I stand on the ledge and aim down onto a wall in front of me. Since I have the cast further away conjuration perk when I cast my Atronach in this way it ends up appearing miles away down in the cavern, much further than I would ever be able to cast it. By default the Atronach will then try and get back so it’s directly with you and that means it will be going through the Dungeon having encounters with Draugr. When I get further down I find that it has indeed been hard at work killing Draugr while I am safe up on the ledge!

I get over encumbered so I go out and load up the ash pile once again. Way down in Ustengrav there is a large open area with a waterfall. Going in behind the Waterfall reveals a chest and a Draugr Scourge, who’s pretty tough, but Atronach and Fire Rune gets him, I am really going to have to start using weapons at some point!

Get finished up and head outside. I go find the Ash Pile and take all my gear, my current carry weight is 500 and I end up carrying 1028, being able to use the horse while over encumbered is a gods send! I head to Morthal to sell a few things and buy all Lamis ingredients then I’ll go to Whiterun to take stock, get some Smithing and Alchemy done before heading for Riverwood to continue the Dragonborn quest line…

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