Wednesday 15 February 2012

59. A ruined book!

225 Hours 21 Minutes, 91846 Gold, Level 46, 27 Dungeons Cleared, 27 Bunnies!

Have spent a lot of time gathering what I needed and doing a bit of random wandering. Getting the enchantments up has been a real headache trying to keep track of what I had and what percentage is on each item then making potions and doing the same again! I have got some weapons up and they’ll do for now, ,my fighting strength is much stronger than it was.

I had awful bother trying to find ruined books which made me laugh because I must have collected hundreds of them during my dungeon clearing but always sold them. I went up to Silent Moons Camp and the Bandits had respawned there it was a bit tricky but I clean forgot about my new improved sword and started taking them out with the Flame Atronach and magic. A funny thing happened, there were about 6 bandits and 3 of them had bows in the middle of the fight a Mammoth comes along and starts getting stuck into them for me, must have been hit by a stray arrow. It done the job I had already got 2 or 3 and it finished off the rest of them for me.

I then went to Labyranthian and went all the way through there picking up the odd thing I had left earlier but no ruined books. Next was Ustengrav up in the swamps near Morthal, again I took time going through it again and lucky there were 2 ruined books that I had left on a shelf in there. As I was approaching Ustengrav the Bandits outside it had respawned I rode my horse to safety and went back and killed two of them, I should have checked for more but didn’t. I rode back and got off my horse to go down to the entrance and I suddenly heard my horse whinnying when I went up to see what was happening I found the horse had been spooked by a Novice Necromancer and a bandit but it had attacked them and the process and killed them both.

So I am off now to Winterhold to make me a Storm Atronach and I’ll see what I am going to do next after I get there.

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