Wednesday 15 February 2012

60. Still not great with the Mages!

230 Hours 52 Minutes, 95098 Gold, Level 47, 138 Locations Discovered, 27 Bunnies!

Got back to Winterhold via Whiterun via Windhelm buying and selling as usual along the way. I always make sure that I have a few plentiful ingredients on me so when I go in and buy up all the ingredients and useful potions that the vendors have I make up a few expensive potions and make sure I take as much of their money as I can, this way my money is always guaranteed to be on the up, similarly with blacksmiths I buy a lot of their gear and get as much of their gold back as I can, I have been doing this for ages and that’s why there is always a steady increase in my gold, better to have as much as you can I reckon.

With the Atronach made, I spend some time around College buying and selling then I decide to head out although I don’t really know where I am going just yet. I am on my way to Whiterun passing Fort Kastav which I have been actively avoiding due to the strength of the mages outside there but I suppose I am feeling brave so I take my horse away on past and leave it in a safe place before making my way back up to have a pop. The Skeletons are easy but the mages are tough I do a lot of running about and Atronach casting but one of the three keeps healing herself so I have to use arrows to finish it off and then in a moment of madness I decide to take a peek inside. Skeleton in the first room, I have been really disappointed with the Skeletons in Skyrim to be honest they’re not much of a challenge. I go on into the prison area and find an Arch Necromancer in there who gives me a real scare I try laying runes and casting Atronach but she’s deadly, both with attacks and in restoration. I end up hiding in one of the cells and peeking out when I can to send some conjured buddies up but in the end I wind up heading back up the steps and get her to follow, I lay runes then when she emerges at the top of the steps I hit her with a poisoned arrow with paralysis on it and finish it off with another, job done and I decide to leave Fort Kastav for now.

I stop once again at the Nightgate Inn and ask about jobs (forgetting I did this before) and I am directed to kill a Giant for a bounty, the giant at Blizzards Rest so I do it and head to Dawnstar to collect the bounty. I now have two notifications on my Miscellaneous quest list to go and see Skald (the Jarl of Dawnstar) and even though he has paid me two bounties they don’t shift. I buy up everything I need and sell the stuff I had gathered earlier. On up the trail heading out of Dawnstar I chance upon some Thalmor escorting a prisoner and I decide to have a little fun. They’re heading towards Dawnstar so after passing them I double back and get well ahead of them and lay a Fire Rune in their path, then I go off the trail into the snow to watch the explosion. Just as it’s happening I realise I am right beside the giants camp Red Road Pass so when the Thalmor come after me I lead them in that direction and the Giant finishes them off and I do the Giant with an ebony arrow, lots and lots of loot. God I think this may well be the best game I have ever played, I said that about Oblivion as well though!

So I am off again to Whiterun to plan my next excursion.

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