Thursday 1 March 2012

70. Blood of the Elves.

271 Hours 45 Minutes, 216844 Gold, Level 52, 138 Days Passed, 28 Bunnies!

I now have to go and harvest different types of Elf to make a facsimile of Dwarven blood to give to SS. I know a place where I can get all the blood types but I found out about it on my first time playing by cheating (searching the net!) so I decide that I am not going to go there for it. I need Orc, Wood Elf, High Elf, Dark Elf and Falmer I know loads of places where there are Falmer and the other races always end up as Mages and Bandits so a trip around various Forts and Dungeons will eventually get me what I need.

On the way back to Whiterun from Winterhold I take a wrong turn and end up at Irkngthand, luckily, there’s an Orc Bandit there so I am off to a good start, I kill another few Bandits and do some looting then I am on my way again.

Once at Whiterun I go put stuff in storage and then head up to Silent Moons camp to try my luck. I kill all the Bandits outside and one of them is a Wood Elf. I also end up riling a couple of Giants and some Mammoths and before I know it I am full to Capacity so it’s back to Whiterun.

Next I head to Fort Greymoor and clear it inside and out but there are no Elves there. I then go across to a place which I cannot remember the name of over on the way to Windhelm, it begins with K but there are no elves there either. A short distance to Silver drift lair and just inside there is a dead Dark Elf laying on an alter. I go on into the Dungeon and nearly get killed by a Draugr Deathlord so I leave after that and make my way up to Fellglow Keep. There are a few mages outside then I go on in and after getting nearly right through I find a High Elf so that leaves only Falmer, the easiest as there are loads of places I can find them.

When I come outside Fellglow there are two tough Vampires who end up killing my horse, a brilliant horse it was too one of the Brown and White ones that you get a brave sprint out of! I get the Vampires after a tough fight, they don’t like Frost Atronachs!!

So I will now head out to find me some Falmer and I’ll continue the mission from there…

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