Monday 12 March 2012

76. Peace conference.

304 Hours 15 Minutes, 235625 Gold, Level 53, 26 Standing Stones Found, 31 Bunnies!

I decide to head back to Falkreath again to sell some more and I happen to check the map at this point and notice that the Twilight Sepulchur is close by so I am going to go there and finish of with the thieves guild quest. I dump a load of stuff at Falkreath, heavy stuff like armour etc and head on.

On the way down I get attacked by a Blood Dragon which is not too difficult, Ebony Arrows do the job. I have had a lot more Dragon encounters recently for some reason.

When I get to the Sepluchur I go on in and meet Gallius then further inside there are a couple of Nightingale ghosts who are pretty tough. Further through I get to the main chamber and I hit a glitch. After speaking with Nocturnal she vanishes and there is nothing I can do after that there. I go back to an earlier save and try again. When I enter the final chamber I notice Karliah leaving and the same thing happens again. When Nocturnal leaves I cannot select magic or even draw my weapon. Further attempts and the same thing just keeps happening so I think I will have to just leave this for now. If anyone knows of this glitch could they please give me a shout!

I head back to Helgan then through the mountains past Haemers shame and on down to High Hrothgar encountering mostly bears along the way and arrive at the Monastery for the peace conference which goes well considering. Makes me think maybe we could have done with a Dragon or two while our inept politicians in Northern Ireland were negotiating peace years ago!

Delphine and Esbern seem to think that I will have to kill Paarthurnax but when I go to do that it doesn’t seem that I can. I fire arrows but he won’t die so I end up talking to him and he tells me bout a certain shout which I can use to call a Dragon.

I will head to Whiterun where I must begin setting a trap for the Dragon Odahviing.

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