Monday 5 March 2012

72. Back, back and fourth, fourth!

282 Hours 30 Minutes, 242649 Gold, Level 52, 321 Critical Attacks, 30 Bunnies!

I get to the top of the Mountain once more to the Throat of the World and read the Elder Scroll which transports me back in time where I learn the Dragonrend shout before ending up restored to my own time where Alduin appears. He is easy to get this time round. I use Dragonrend to make him come down to the ground then I use my bow with Ebony arrows and of course I have all my Archery apparel equipped. He flies of though and I must go and speak with either the main Greybeard or Esbern and since the Greybeards are close I do that. I am told I must get the Jarl of Whiterun to agree to imprison him in Dragonsreach just as Olaf one-eye did centuries ago.

I head back around the other side of the mountain just for a change of scenery and because there will be ingredients hopefully respawned. I was thinking about how often ingredients do respawn. There have been times I would have not been in an area for a very long time and when I go back there a lot of them have renewed but equally a lot haven’t. I wondered if anyone on the forum had any insight into how the developers of the game programmed this aspect.

I get back to Whiterun and do a little bit of alchemy because I have been neglecting it of late then I head to Dragonsreach to try and convince the Jarl to imprison a Dragon there only to be told I must talk to The Greybeards again! I am packing my Soul snare bow and empty soul gems for the walk back...

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